Cold approaches tend to be one of the most difficult things guys struggle with when first starting pickup. Learning how to approach a woman you don’t know whether on the street or at a club can be a gut wrenching experience.
In this guide we cover how to get over this approach anxiety and how to go after and approach the hottest girls.
Where to meet Women
There are many different places to meet girls. Some of our favorites are malls, schools, bars, and nightclubs.
Find where you are most comfortable at, and make that your home environment for pickup.

What to say as an Opener
Don’t over complicate this. If you see a girl on the street, say something along the lines of “Hi I thought you were cute, I’m xxx”
If you see a girl in the club introduce yourself “Hi I’m xxx, we should dance”
What to Do During The Conversation
Make the conversation entertaining. Don’t be too pushy. For the daygame, try and end the conversation with her number or snapchat. For night game, try to pull her back to your place.
The Abundance Mindset
You’re going to get rejected a countless amount of times. It doesn’t matter. Keep approaching different girls until you get a yes. Even when you get that first yes, keep going. Girls flake, give you fake info and ghost.