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Second Date Tips

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Congrats, you landed the coveted second date. The girl likes you and agreed to go out with you again. 

There is even more at stake with this date. The first date you learned a bit about eachother. And there may or may not have been some physical escalation.

This date you take it up a notch. 

Here is our advice on how to perfect that 2nd date.

Should There Be a Second Date

Before planning out the second date, you need to ask yourself. Should there be a second date? 

Did you like this girl? Did you have chemistry? Do you want to spend more time with her?

If you answer yes to these questions, than you are good to start planning date #2.

Second Date Advice

When Should You Ask For a Second Date

The best time to ask for a second date is the day after the first. Once you finish the first date,  wait till the next morning and say you enjoyed the first date and that you would like a second.

From there you can work on the logistics.

Different Second Date

Don’t go out there and make the 2nd date the same as the first. There needs to be excitement. Change up the venue and the activity. Here is how you can do that.

Multi Part Date

Make your date have multiple venues. Walk in the park, go to the beach, hang out at a fire pit, and then go grab a bite to eat or watch a movie.

Longer Date

Make her invest more time into you. The first date shouldn’t have been too long. This time it will be when you set up the multi part date.

Don’t go to the movie theatre

You should be talking a lot during the 2nd date. Going to the movie will be a few hours of silence.

Start The Date Physical

When you start the date, go in for a hug and a peck on the cheek. You need to continue to establish that man to women relationship.

Refer To The First Date

Go over the details briefly that you remember from the first date. It shows you paid attention and that you are somewhat invested into the potential relationship.

little more personal

You can start going into some of the personal details of your life. The only exception though is to not go into your past relationships. No mentioning of exes. It’s better not said.

Physical second date

At the minimum, you should end the date with a kiss. Read the signs though and see what works best foryou and her. If you don’t end up doing anything physical, you will end up in  the friend zone. 

New Conversation Topics

Change up what you talk about during the date. Some of the easiest ones to talk about are future ambitions,  music, travel and passions.

Make sure she is selling herself to you. You want to continue having her talk more than you do.

Final Thoughts

Go out there and land that third date. If you follow the advice in the article and have some chemistry, that shouldn’t be a problem.

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