Why Can’t I Get Laid
No one gets laid without trying. If you dislike leaving the house, meeting new people, changing up your lifestyle, or afraid of asking girls out, you are going to stay a virgin or get laid maybe once a year.
No one gets laid without trying. If you dislike leaving the house, meeting new people, changing up your lifestyle, or afraid of asking girls out, you are going to stay a virgin or get laid maybe once a year.
In this article, we will be going over giving a girl your number. Should you do it or is better to get hers?
Cold approaches tend to be one of the most difficult things guys struggle with when first starting pickup. Learning how to approach a woman you don’t know whether on the street or at a club can be a gut wrenching experience.
While guys clearly show interest, most girls aren’t direct. Girls will hint that they are interested, but they often won’t tell a guy directly. That’s why you need to look for indicator of interests (ioi).
Are you wondering why she lost interest all of a sudden? In this guide we will be going over the reasons why she lost interest and the signs to look out for. At the end we will go over some of the different options you can take to regain her interest.
Knowing how to open a conversation is the first step in achieving success during daygame. In this article we are going to list some of the best indirect and direct openers
Many guys new to game will end up catching oneitis. The lack of experience with many girls will cause them to be fixated on one girl who is on a pedestal. “The Perfect Girl” will have no flaws
Most often times in our articles, we are addressing the modern nature of dating via apps such as Tinder, Bumble, etc. But what if you wanted to meet someone the old-fashioned way?
In this world where options and opportunities are unlimited, should you focus your attention on just one person at a time, or is it okay to be a man dating multiple women?
It’s the day after, and there’s only one thing on your mind. It’s that age-old question, “How long should I wait to text after a first date?”