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best time to use tinder boost

Game Changing Tinder Opener

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Using a tinder boost is a great way to get your profile in front of tons of girls. 

In this blog post, I will be going over the best times to boost your profile along with tips on how to get more matches during the boost.

Tinder Boost Price

Tinder boosts can be purchased in quantities of 1, 5, and 10.

1 is $6.99

5 are $5.99 each

10 are $4.99 each.

As you can see they are quite expensive, but as you purchase more the price decreases.

Tinder Plus & Gold

If you have a tinder plus or gold membership, you receive one free boost a month.

Looking at the prices from above, if you are going to buy a boost, you might as well upgrade to plus for a month. 

Check out our guide on Tinder Plus Vs Gold if you want a detailed breakdown of both services. 

How Tinder Boost Works

After purchasing a boost, Tinder is going to make your account highly visible for 30 minutes. 

Tinder claims that this will make your profile shown up to 10x the normal rate.

This is going to get you a lot more likes and hopefully matches. 

Best Time to Boost on Tinder

Each day of the week has its benefits and drawbacks. Here is what a typical week looks like. 

Benefits of boosting each days of the week

Monday – Early in the week, plan for a date midweek. Tons of active users

Tuesday – Still pretty early in the week, less active users on the app

Wednesday -Mid week, still week amount of users. 

Thursday – Towards the end of the work week. Users pick up, great time to plan for the weekend

Friday – Officially weekend. No plans if swiping at night. Busy otherwise

Saturday – The same as Saturday.

Sunday – Weekend is over. Most popular day on the app. Make plans for a week date.

What the data shows

Data shows that Sunday & Monday are the most active days on the app.

This is also when swipe surges tend to happen.

The peak hours are 6-10 PM with a peak occurring at around 9 (according to Nielson).

Other Great Times

It’s also beneficial to swipe at other times.

During a Storm

Everyone is going to be stuck inside for a while.

So with nothing to do, people are going to swipe.

During a curfew or lockdown

The same can be said as above.

After an Event

Whether it’s a conference, or a convert. 

People are going to be swiping after an event and make plans for later in the night.

How To Get More Matches During the Boost

Using a boost is like paying for a paid advertisement. You need to work on the product before advertising.

If you have a bad profile, your boost will not work.

You’ll get few likes and matches. 

To get your money’s worth, during a boost, your profile needs to be right swipe worthy.

This really breaks down into two main sections: Images & Bio


Your images need to be high quality and show value across your profile. 

Check out our guide on Tinder Pictures for a full breakdown on what to do


Your bio needs to complement your pictures.

 It also needs to have a joke and a call to action for a date.

Check out our guide on a Tinder Bio.

Boost Tips

Use these tips while boosting to get the most out of it

Don’t Boost if busy

If you already have a lot of matches to message or if you are super busy, don’t waste a boost. 

You need to message the girls you matched with within a few days (while on her mind).

If you don’t then she will forget about you and nothing will come out of the interaction.

Don’t use Boost when you arrive at a new location

You are already going to get a mini boost when traveling. There is no benefit

Don’t use Boost when you create a brand new profile

New profiles get a boost so that Tinder can assign an ELO score. 

There is no benefit in purchasing a boost.

Don’t use a Tinder Boost if your profile sucks

As mentioned above, it’s a waste of money, You won’t get matches. Focus on fixing your profile first.

Don’t use a Tinder Boost during a Swipe Surge

A swipe surge is a mini tinder boost. 

If you are swiping during it, your profile is going to be shown to other active members. 

Don’t waste your money on it.

Game Changing Tinder Opener

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