So you are contemplating downloading Tinder?
In this guide, I’ll be going through the pros and cons of Tinder among my experience on the app the past few years.
Let’s get right into it
Assuming you have pictures ready to go, you can build a Tinder profile within minutes.
In fact, I made my first tinder profile while at a conference.
My friend told me to download the app, and that night I got it set up.
All that’s needed to create a profile is pictures, a bio, and connections to Spotify and Instagram.
To create an account, a user has to login with either Facebook or a phone number.
The entire process should take no longer than 10-15 minutes.
Tinder makes it easy to use the app.
Similar to the hot or not platform, users swipe left or right depending on how attractive they feel the girl is.
Superlikes are also available and free users have the option of using one per day.
If two users both swipe right, they match and the profiles go to a messaging stage.
From there you can flirt back and forth in hopes of landing a date.
The best reason to use Tinder is meeting girls.
These matches can either turn into dates, hookups, relationships or friendships. You never know who you end up meeting.
The cool part about it is that you may have never met that person without the use of the app.
She might have been in different social circles or live the town over. Tinder opens a brand new opportunity.
Do you have some free time to kill at work, school, or are you bored?
You can pull up Tinder and start swiping.
The ease of the app allows you to swipe whenever and wherever you are.
Since you haven’t met your matches outside the platform, Tinder is a great way to improve your text game.
Messaging is the only way to be able to convert your matches to dates.
If you ever need help with what to say as a first message, download my free Tinder Openers.
They are going to get you a response.
And get you one step closer to a date.
Online Dating Communities
There are a ton of online dating communities.
You can get feedback on your Tinder profile and messages within minutes.
Which allows you to fix the mistakes.
Join the Free Facebook Community here.
One of our active members will help you out if you have any questions.
To use the app, you have to to be swiping daily and continuing to optimize your profile.
This takes time away from your day when you could be going out meeting girls in person.
This would help with improving your day and night game.
From past experiences, I’ve had bad luck with flakes, ghosts, and being stood up.
Some girls you’ll arrange a date with a few days in advanced, and you’ll never here back from them.
Others never respond to messages.
The worst though is being stood up.
In fact, my first ever tinder date, I was stood up at a Sushi restaurant.
It was awful and embarrassing.
Some of the girls on the platform tend to be judge shirtless, gym, hunting, or fishing pics.
You’ll see bios mentioning that it’s an automatic left swipe.
This shouldn’t matter, but it’s something you won’t experience in day game.
Converting a match into a date can sometime take over a week!
When going out in person, the process can be much quicker and efficient.
Each free user has 100 right swipes per day.
If you want to swipe right more than that, you must be a paid subscriber.
That can be through Tinder Gold or Plus
Some of the girls on Tinder could care less about getting matches.
All they want is thirsty guys to send them money over Venmo.
Its common to see “Venmo me and see what happens”

Another group of girls that don’t care about matching.
These instagram “models” & “influencers” only want to boost their social media followings.
They’ll often have their instagram and or Snapchat in their bios to get followers.
While Tinder has done a better job recently getting rid of bots, there are still a lot on the platform.
They’ll try to scam you so be careful and make sure you are talking to a real person.
Potential Lack of Matches
A lot of users fail at getting matches.
In fact, it’s estimated that 80% achieve nothing from the app.
So you need to be in the top 20% to land dates and hookups.
If you want a top 20% profile, check out this free profile hack.
It’s what I developed as I went from a few matches a week to 10+ a day.

Download Tinder and use it as a supplement to meeting girls in person.
Don’t become too reliant on the app, but use it as a tool to get dates and improve your text game.
Have fun and keep swiping.