Ways to start a conversation
Hinge allows users two different ways to start a conversation. You can start a conversation by commenting on a girl’s profile when you like her or you can start a conversation once you match with her.
When liking a girl, you can start the conversation by commenting specifically on a picture or a profile prompt. To do this, you press the heart and leave a comment.
Once you match, you can directly message her. Either she will leave a comment on your profile or you’ll get a message stating she invited you to chat.
In this guide, I will be going over the best way to start a conversation Hinge. I’ll be taking you through the best way to get a response and messages to avoid sending so that you don’t ghosted on the app. So whether you are looking to use hinge for dates or hookups, this guide will help you get with the girl that you’ve been looking for.

So my personal favorite way to start a conversation on hinge is to message through her bio.
The three profile prompts should give you a lot of insight about her personality and hobbies/interests. Unless she completely ignores these or she puts very little effort into answering them, you should be able to craft a statement based around the info presented.
As you can see, there is plenty to go after. From what I’ve seen using Hinge, most girls fall into a few categories. Sports, travel, outdoors, and partying. If you craft a message towards her interest, she’s more likely to respond. You’re already way farther ahead than those guys that just messaged her “hey” or talk about how pretty or attractive she is. She gets these messages all the time from guys that have no idea what to say or have very little experience with these apps.
Conversation through a picture

If a girl’s profile is blank, lacking information, or doesn’t have anything that you can talk about, you should look at her pictures as another way to extract info.
Pictures won’t be as obvious as the responses to the hinge prompts, but with enough analyzing, you should be able to figure out what to say.
She Commented on your Pictures or Bio

If she has already commented on your profile pictures or bio, she’s already invested into you. She’s found you more attractive than the average guy she likes. What you need to do is to continue the conversation. Talk about common interests and eventually go for the number or snapchat.
Invites you to start the chat on hinge.
You didn’t leave a comment on her profile when you liked her. You need to take a look at her bio & pictures and craft a statement to start the conversation.
Other Quick Tips
You need to show confidence in your messages. Asking her to take control of a conversation or being uncertain is a turn off. You will be ghosted.
Getting The Number/Snapchat
You need to get her off the app as soon as possible. Don’t keep a conversation going forever on there.
When Messaging
When you message on hinge you need to show that you’re interested in her and that you have an attractive lifestyle. You’re more than just looks.
What to avoid
Hey or hi
There are so many better ways to start out a conversation.
Telling her how attractive she is
She gets this all the time. Attractive girls are numb to this. You won’t receive a response.
Over Sexual comments
This is an easy way to get your account banned or get ghosted.
Dragging out a conversation
After so many messages it gets exhausting. Get her contact info and go off of the platform.
Does hinge say when she read your message?
Hinge does not currently have a feature for read receipts so you won’t know if she read your message. If you don’t get a message within the first 24 to 48 hours chances are she ghosted you or she rarely logs into the app. That’s alright there’s so many girls on hinge so just keep liking profiles and you’ll get more matches and forget about her in a few days.
Do you have to message first on hinge?
You do not have to message first on hinge. In fact a decent portion of women message first on the app. You need to have a great profile for that to happen though.
What does it mean when someone invites you to start the chat on hinge?
This means that you have matched with her and she expects you to open up the conversation. You didn’t leave a message when you liked her profile and now it’s your turn to start that conversation so she has something to respond to