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indicators of interest

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While guys clearly show interest, most girls aren’t direct. Girls will hint that they are interested, but they often won’t tell a guy directly. That’s why you need to look for indicator of interests (ioi).

In this article, we will be going over some of the most common indicators of interest. Once you learn about them, you will start picking them up in daily conversations. 

The most common indicators of interest

Eye Contact

Is a girl looking deeply into your soul or continuously looking over to you to see what you are doing.

Always laughing at jokes

Without realizing it, she is going to continue to laugh at all your jokes, even if they  are stupid or not funny (which most jokes arent).

She plays with her hair

When you talk to a girl or go on a date, she will often continue to play with her hair. She’s trying to make herself look more presentable to you.  

Shit Tests

Everyones heard of shit tests, but they aren’t a bad thing. If you are getting shit tests from a girl, she’s interested in you

She qualifies herself to you

She might talk about her different qualities and try to one up your different achievements.

She Asks if you have a Girlfriend

This is a blatant way to find out if you are single or not and to convey interest

She Compliments you

Girls will often compliment guys that they like

She touches you

She will find different ways to touch you. This can be anything from a hug to grabbing your arm.

Final Thoughts

As you hang around more girls, you’ll continue to catch and pick up indicators of interest. Go out there and make some moves.

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